Apart from our work arising from our ownership and management of Conservancies, we also provide expert consultancy and technical services to sustainable manage soil, vegetation, land and water.
Apart from our work arising from our ownership and management of Conservancies, we also provide expert consultancy and technical services to sustainable manage soil, vegetation, land and water.
A: Consultancy and Project Management Services:
We help transform bare land into forest. Based on environmental analysis and client objectives, we help design and execute projects in forestry, as well as related fields like agroforestry, permaculture or silviculture.

Ecological Restoration
We help restore degraded environment. We identify the ecological systems that have been impaired or damaged as a result of external forces, and recommend mitigation strategies to remove each of the factors limiting regeneration.

Sustainable/Low-Maintenance Landscape Planting
For vast areas requiring low-maintenance planting, we can assist you with landscape design and vegetation planning. We can suggest an environment-adapted planting palette best suited to your land, including specialized ones that solely use plant communities native to that particular ecological context.

Runoff Management
We can suggest and help carry out measures to control surface runoff within your land, conserve your soil resources, and improve ground water potential. We can also help you manage rivers, streams and other water bodies within your forest or property, by providing insightful recommendation and advising you on implementing possible solutions.


B. Environmental Management for Conservation Areas
We can manage your conservation area, production forest or permaculture plot for you. We will put in place a land management protocol for all field operations, and ensure that it is run, with periodic review and appropriate course correction based on your goals.

C. Ex-Situ Conservation & Nurseries
We conserve and propagate a selection of rare and endangered wild flora within our conservation nurseries. Also, since conventional nurseries usually sell only plants and trees for ornamental horticulture, implementing a forestry project or a planting scheme with native or wild species become quite difficult. We therefore, produce collections of wild plants and trees suitable for low maintenance plantings and restorations, either in association with partners or by ourselves.
Why Use GAIA?
There are many reasons for why we are the perfect fit for you and they are:
- Expertise:
We are one of India’s only private environmental consultancies. Our directors both hold master’s degrees in environmental design, and have highly qualified and capable team to implement any project in our field.
- Experience:
We have been in the field since 1998, and we have already implemented several projects into our specialized field.
- Customized solutions:
We tailor our solutions to you and your needs; we give room for our customers to give their opinions and ideas, and provide the optimal solution for the problem.